
Monday, November 15, 2010

By the Pound

By the Pound!

I'll be one of the 100 artists participating in this exhibit at Sleeping Giant Gallery. The opening reception is on November 26th, at 8pm, so come out if you're in Toronto!

It's going to be a super rad exhbit. There are 100 artists involved and all of the art is going to be sold quite literally 'by the pound' (specifically at $250 per pound). It should be a pretty exciting exhibit, there are lots of great artists involved!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bump in the Night

I forgot I hadn't uploaded my work from the Bump in the Night show that recently happened at OCAD Transit Space. Here they are!


I am still making pictures even though I am not posting here very often!

Here are some things I've been working on: